a new object with type S, a subtype of T
PixelArray.compare (array, distance=0, weights=(0.299, 0.587,
0.114)): Return PixelArray Compares the PixelArray with another one. |
source code
PixelArray.extract (color, distance=0, weights=(0.299, 0.587,
0.114)): Return PixelArray Extracts the passed color from the
PixelArray. |
source code
PixelArray.make_surface (): Return Surface Creates a new Surface from
the current PixelArray. |
source code
PixelArray.replace (color, repcolor, distance=0, weights=(0.299,
0.587, 0.114)): Return None Replaces the passed color in the
PixelArray with another one. |
source code
Inherited from object :
__delattr__ ,
__format__ ,
__getattribute__ ,
__hash__ ,
__init__ ,
__reduce__ ,
__reduce_ex__ ,
__setattr__ ,
__sizeof__ ,
__str__ ,